miercuri, 5 noiembrie 2008

Political correctness. Noutati.

Bald - comb-free
Cannibalism - Intra-Species Dining
Censorship - Selective Speech
Coward - Challenge Challenged
Cowboys - bovine control officers
Fat - horizontally challenged.
Fat - person of substance
Frog - amphibian American
Garbage Man - sanitation engineer
Ghetto / Barrio - Ethnically Homogenous Area
Having PMS - cyclically challenged
Homeless - outdoor urban dwellers
Homeless - residentially flexible
Homelessness - Mortgage-Free Living
Housewife - domestic engineer
Hunter - Bambi Butcher
Insane People - Mental Explorers
Janitor - sanitation engineer
Loser - uniquely fortuned individual on an alternative career path
Not with somebody at the moment - romantically challenged
Prostitute - sex care provider
Shoplifter - Cost-of-Living Adjustment Specialist
Stupid - differently-brained
Ugly - Cosmetically different.
Vomiting - Unplanned Reexamination of Recent Food Choices
White American - racially challenged
Wife - unpaid sex slave

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